Sunday, 6 April 2008

More ACEness

Here's a more portable command-line driven utility to generate wav files ready for ACE's ears. There's a tiny enhancement that ramps up the volume during the lead-in which should prevent the kind of pants-wetting shock that I keep delivering to myself :)

* Support code for ACE - the arduino cassette engine
* Example code to write a wav file which can be played to
* a microcontroller running the ACE software.
* Should be fairly portable unlike the original example.
* Enjoy.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

typedef unsigned char uint8_t;

// adjust these to control endiannesses.
static const int ENDIAN0 = 0;
static const int ENDIAN1 = 1;
static const int ENDIAN2 = 2;
static const int ENDIAN3 = 3;

static const int ENDIAN0_S = 0;
static const int ENDIAN1_S = 1;

// desired wave structure - AHEM THESE ARE READ-ONLY
static const int CHANNELS = 2;
static const int SAMPLERATE = 44100;
static const int BITSPERSAMPLE = 16;

// this is as loud as we can get. not quite 11,
// but approaching it.
static const double maxLevel = (double)SHRT_MAX * 1.0;
static const short maxLevelS = (short)maxLevel;
static const double minLevel = (double)SHRT_MIN * 1.0;
static const short minLevelS = (short)minLevel;

// number of samples per cycle. 60 samples = 1 low or 2 high cycles.
static const int f1 = 60;
static const int f1cyc = 1;
static const int f2 = f1 / 2;
static const int f2cyc = f1cyc * 2;

// useful values, maybe
static const int usPerCycle = (int)(((double)f1 / 44100) * 1000000.0);
static const int usPerHalfCycle = (int)(((double)f1 / 44100) * 500000.0);
static const int usPerQuarterCycle = (int)(((double)f1 / 44100) * 250000.0);
static const int usPerEighthCycle = (int)(((double)f1 / 44100) * 125000.0);

static const int baudrate = (1000000 / usPerCycle);

// 8 + stop + start;
static const int bitsPerFrame = 10;

static const int samplesPerBit = f1 * f1cyc;
static const int samplesPerFrame = bitsPerFrame * samplesPerBit;

static const int LOW_BIT = 0;
static const int HIGH_BIT = !LOW_BIT;

static const int LEADIN_BIT = LOW_BIT;
static const int START_BIT = !LEADIN_BIT;
static const int STOP_BIT = !START_BIT;


void CreateWaveFile(std::ostream& output)
char chars[4];

output << "RIFF";
*(int*)chars = 16;
output << chars[ENDIAN0] << chars[ENDIAN1] << chars[ENDIAN2] << chars[ENDIAN3];

output << "WAVE";
output << "fmt ";

*(int*)chars = 16;
output << chars[ENDIAN0] << chars[ENDIAN1] << chars[ENDIAN2] << chars[ENDIAN3];

*(short*)chars = 1;
output << chars[ENDIAN0_S] << chars[ENDIAN1_S];

*(short*)chars = CHANNELS;
output << chars[ENDIAN0_S] << chars[ENDIAN1_S];

*(int*)chars = SAMPLERATE;
output << chars[ENDIAN0] << chars[ENDIAN1] << chars[ENDIAN2] << chars[ENDIAN3];

output << chars[ENDIAN0] << chars[ENDIAN1] << chars[ENDIAN2] << chars[ENDIAN3];

*(short*)chars = (short)(BITSPERSAMPLE/8*CHANNELS);
output << chars[ENDIAN0_S] << chars[ENDIAN1_S];

*(short*)chars = (short)BITSPERSAMPLE;
output << chars[ENDIAN0_S] << chars[ENDIAN1_S];

output << "data";
*(int*)chars = 0;
output << chars[ENDIAN0] << chars[ENDIAN1] << chars[ENDIAN2] << chars[ENDIAN3];

void FinaliseWaveFile(std::ostream& output, size_t bytesWrit)
char chars[4];


*(int*)chars = (int)bytesWrit;
output << chars[ENDIAN0] << chars[ENDIAN1] << chars[ENDIAN2] << chars[ENDIAN3];


*(int*)chars = (int)(bytesWrit + 36);
output << chars[ENDIAN0] << chars[ENDIAN1] << chars[ENDIAN2] << chars[ENDIAN3];


// here we represent:
// 0 bit as 1 cycle of low frequency,
// 1 bit as 2 cycles of high frequency
// where the high frequency is double that of the low.
void OutputBit(std::ostream& output, int bit, size_t& written,
short maxval = maxLevelS, short minval = minLevelS)
// default to low
int cycles = f1cyc;
int samplesPerCycle = f1;

if (bit != 0)
cycles = f2cyc;
samplesPerCycle = f2;

// generate square pulse, start with rising edge
for (int i = 0; i < cycles; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < samplesPerCycle / 2; ++j)
// high [1] period
output << uint8_t(maxval & 0xff);
output << uint8_t(maxval >> 8);
output << uint8_t(maxval & 0xff);
output << uint8_t(maxval >> 8);
written += 4;
for (int j = 0; j < samplesPerCycle / 2; ++j)
// low [0] period
output << uint8_t(minval & 0xff);
output << uint8_t(minval >> 8);
output << uint8_t(minval & 0xff);
output << uint8_t(minval >> 8);
written += 4;

// outputs a start bit, 8 data bits and a stop bit
void OutputByte(std::ostream& output, uint8_t value, size_t& written)
OutputBit(output, START_BIT, written);

for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
OutputBit(output, (value & 0x80) ? HIGH_BIT : LOW_BIT, written);
value <<= 1;

OutputBit(output, STOP_BIT, written);

// outputs a lead train of bits, terminated with a start bit.
void OutputLeader(std::ostream& output, int milliseconds, size_t& written)
int microseconds = (milliseconds * 1000) - usPerCycle;;

// this is a bit of a decoration -
// ramp up the volume during the 1st half of the leader. this might
// prevent some unexpected eardrum-rupture events.. and yes, i know
// that volume should be ramped non-linearly :) this will do for
// the time being.
double vol = 0, ramp = 1.0 / (microseconds/(usPerCycle*2));

while (microseconds >= 0)
OutputBit(output, LEADIN_BIT, written, (short)(vol * maxLevel), (short)(vol * minLevel));
vol += ramp;
vol = __min(vol, 1.0);

microseconds -= usPerCycle;

OutputBit(output, START_BIT, written);

void main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 3)
std::cout << "Usage: makewav [input file] [output file]" << std::endl;

std::ifstream inner(argv[1], std::ios_base::binary);
if (!inner.is_open())
std::cout << "Could not open input file." << std::endl;

std::ofstream outer(argv[2], std::ios_base::binary);
if (!outer.is_open())
std::cout << "Could not open output file." << std::endl;

// write wav header

// determine input file size
inner.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
size_t size = (size_t)inner.tellg();

size_t pc = 0;
size_t written = 0;

// file is structured:
// some seconds of leader
// size msb
// size lsb
// {
// data[512]
// some milliseconds of leader
// }

OutputLeader(outer, 2000, written);

OutputByte(outer, uint8_t(size >> 8), written);
OutputByte(outer, uint8_t(size & 0xff), written);

while (pc != size)
// dummy data - replace this with either read from buffer indexed by [pc]
// or a byte get from the file to be encoded
OutputByte(outer, inner.get(), written);

if (pc % 512 == 0 && pc != size)
OutputLeader(outer, 50, written);

FinaliseWaveFile(outer, written);


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Play nice :)